
10 Biggest Cultural Differences Between Brits & Americans & 10 Similarities

10 Biggest Cultural Differences Between Brits & Americans & 10 Similarities

Just Because We Speak The Same Language Doesn't Mean We're The Same

Although sewed from the same cloth, the US and Britain both have very distinct cultures. While Britain has the "stiff upper lip" stereotype, Americans have been labeled arrogant and loud. Each country's unique identity was born out of its distinct history. For Britain, it's one of many wars and long timeframes and for Americans, it's one of risk, adventure, and idealism. Here are 10 ways Brits and Americans are different and 10 ways they're similar.

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1. Language Differences

Although they are both English-speaking countries, Brits and Americans have different vocabulary and spelling. They also have completely different slang and swear words.

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2. Patriotism

Brits and Americans have a completely different approach to Patriotism. While Americans commonly think of the USA as the best country in the world, Brits are more self-critical. 

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3. Sense of Tradition

As Britain was established as a country much before the US, Brits have a stronger sense of tradition and heritage. Meanwhile, Americans lack a very strong cultural identity. 

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4. Manners & Etiquette

While Americans have a reputation for being loud and boisterous, Brits are more subtle and reserved. Brits also have a reputation for being more formal in terms of etiquette, with more established rules.

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5. Accents

The British accent differs greatly from the American accent in intonation and pronunciation. For instance, while the Brits don't tend to pronounce the letter "r" in words, Americans strongly pronounce it. 

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6. Humor

While each country loves to have a good laugh, they each have their distinct style of humor. British comedy is usually more self-deprecating and situational while American comedy is more upfront and optimistic. 

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7. Sports Culture

Both countries love sports, but the sports of choice are completely different. In the US, it's football, baseball, and basketball, and in Britain, it's soccer, rugby, and cricket. 

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8. Directness

Americans have the reputation of being much more direct than Brits. They wear their heart on their sleeve while Brits have a stiff upper lip, never letting their real feelings known.

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9. Attitude Differences

Like two siblings who were raised apart, Americans and Brits have completely different attitudes about the world. Americans tend to have a more idealist and positive outlook on life whereas Brits are pessimistic and doubtful. 

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10. Religious Differences 

The US has a higher percentage of people who identify as religious than Britain and their brand of religion is generally more spiritual and mystic. In both countries, Christianity is the most popular religion, but in England the dominant form is Anglican whereas in the US, it's Protestant. 

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Although there are many differences, there is also a lot of common ground between British and American cultures. Here are just some of the ways they're similar.  

1. English

Despite the differences in accent, spelling, and vocabulary, both countries are English-speaking and what's more, for both Brits and Americans, it's not common to speak other languages as it is in other European nations. Classically, this shared language has made them close allies. 

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2. Same Origins

The US was a British colony before it gained independence. Although it's been hundreds of years since the US was part of Britain, there's still plenty of cultural overlap between the two nations because of their common origin.

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3. Reputation For Cuisine

Both the US and Britain have a reputation for having no finesse when it comes to food. Compared to the vibrant offerings of bordering Mexico or the elegance associated with the cuisine of Britain's European neighbors, both countries fall short in this category.

a cheeseburger and fries on a plate on a tableClay Banks on Unsplash

4. Global Influence

Both the US and Britain have enjoyed a prolonged period of being global powers, having a strong cultural and political influence worldwide. As such, Brits and Americans have an easy time relating to people and feeling at home in many places.

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5. Enthusiasm For Sports

Although the sports they watch are different, both Brits and Americans have a strong sports culture. Both tend to spend their leisure time watching sports, going to sports events, and talking about sports.

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6. Niceness

Both Brits and Americans have a reputation for being kind to people. Saying hello, and being hospitable, polite, and attentive are just some of the ways. 

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7. Propensity For Fun

American and British cultures are associated with a love of fun. Pub or bar culture is strong in both nations and wherever you go you'll find Brits and Americans enjoying nightlife. 


8. Shared Pop Culture

Because of their shared language, Brits and Americans have a lot of overlap when it comes to pop culture. With both watching the same television series, and listening to the same music, and podcasts, they can share references and easily converse about such topics.

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9. Democratic Values

The US was created based on freedom, liberty, and equality, as outlined in the Constitution. Similarly, Britain's Magna Carta in 1215 stopped the monarchy from having total control, freeing the nation's people from tyranny. Both Americans and Brits get to enjoy relatively free lives under democratic values that emphasize personal freedom and fairness. 

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10. Diversity

Both the US and Britain are diverse countries with plenty of immigration. As such, both Brits and Americans are relatively accepting of different cultures and customs with a "melting pot" mentality that diversity is a positive attribute. 

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