20 Untranslatable Words With The Most Beautiful Meanings From Other Languages
Expand Your Dictionary
You may be wondering what "untranslatable" means, especially when we've provided explanations, but it simply means there's no easy way to describe the definition of these words. Put simply, there's no direct equivalent that can be translated across different languages, making these words unique and beautiful in what they're trying to capture. Furthermore, many of these you'll find discuss feelings and emotions that can't be summarized in just one word. Here are 20 of the most beautiful untranslatable words to add to your vocabulary.
1. Hygge
You may be scratching your head while trying to figure out how to pronounce this Danish word, but you'll be happy you spent the effort when you realize what its lovely meaning is. Essentially translated to mean a warm, cozy, and comfortable feeling that brings you calmness, Hygge is something we could all use a little more of.
2. Saudade
Saudade is a Portuguese word with a rather bittersweet meaning. It represents a feeling of longing for something that you love that is no longer there with you. It's the perfect word to encapsulate that feeling that is so hard to put into words. It's a bit sad and bitter, but also full of so much beauty.
3. Abbiocco
The closest translation available for the Italian word Abbiocco is the phrase "food coma." There's no perfect direct translation for this word though, one that embodies the sleepy yet content feeling you experience after enjoying a delicious and big meal. We think it's such a meaningful word that beautifully represents the country's love for good food shared with loved ones.
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4. Jaysus
A hilarious, light-hearted addition to this list, jaysus is a word coming from Indonesia that describes a bad joke told so poorly, it becomes funny. We've all experienced that before, now you just know a word that characterizes that entire interaction!
5. Mamihlapinatapei
This word may be a mouthful, but behind it lies a beautiful meaning you'll be happy to have learned. Mamihlapinatapei comes from the Yaghan language and is often considered one of the hardest words to translate because it's a complicated action that brings forth a specific feeling. It has been described to the best of people's abilities as meaning a look that two people share that suggests both want one or the other to initiate something, but don't want to do it themselves.
6. Fargin
The perfect word for selfless individuals, Fargin is a Yiddish word that simply means you find happiness in celebrating the success of others. It's a delightful word, one that beautifully describes the joy we feel when we watch those around us enjoy their wins.
7. Sisu
This short and simple four-letter word holds a deep and significant meaning. Sisu is a Finnish word that is quite hard to translate; it's about integrity, determination, and resilience when faced against all odds. It's a unique concept that is able to transform and change from person to person.
8. Kilig
Ever felt butterflies in your stomach because of something romantic? That indescribable jitteriness has a word in Tagalog - Kilig explains that complicated feeling of nervousness and happiness that comes with lovely romantic encounters.
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9. Meraki
Derived from Greek, Meraki is a stunning word that has to do with passion. It's about putting your entire soul and heart into something you love doing; essentially, it's about losing yourself in what you feel passionate about. It's an amazing word for artists!
10. Wabi-Sabi
Haven't you heard the saying there's beauty in imperfections before? Well, now you know a single word that perfectly encapsulates that sentiment. In Japan, Wabi-Sabi is a lovely perspective that means embracing and accepting imperfections. It's all about finding beauty in everything, even the simple and incomplete.
11. Gökotta
If you're not a morning person, you may find the sound of birds singing in the morning to be annoying, but that tends to be a different case over in Sweden. Because they have an entire word, Gökotta, which describes the lovely tradition of waking up early just to take in the beauty of nature and hear the birds.
12. L'esprit de l'escalier
While this one is more of a phrase than just a single word, it has a hilarious and joyful meaning to it that we couldn't leave out on this list. In French, l'esprit de l'escalier describes that feeling you get when you think of an ideal, witty response, but it's too late. As something we know many people can relate to, it's a cool term to know.
13. Fika
If you're someone who values taking a moment to appreciate the little things in life, you'll absolutely love this Swedish tradition. Fika is a word that means more than just an action, it almost describes a feeling. It traditionally means taking a break to enjoy other's company with some coffee and light snacks, but really, the word acts as a way to remind you to slow down.
14. Lagom
If you ever want to describe to someone what the perfect amount is, when something is not too little and not too much, use the word Swedish word Lagom. It's a wonderful word that symbolizes the idea of balance and having just enough.
15. Komorebi
For all the nature lovers out there, we know you'll appreciate this one. If you've ever had the luxury of losing yourself in nature and appreciating all the sights around you, you may have noticed the stunning way that sunlight seems to dance through tree leaves and branches in breathtaking way. The Japanese have actually created a word to describe this particular magic, Komorebi.
16. Iktsuarpok
In Inuit culture, there is a marvelous word, Iktsuarpok, that embodies the feeling you get when you're anxious and impatient waiting for someone to arrive. While you might think this voices a sort of frustration that's annoying to deal with, we see it as something beautiful, the feeling of not being able to wait to finally see someone.
17. Taarradhin
There's beauty in compromise, and no word understands that better than Taarradhin. Coming from Arabic, this word essentially means finding a happy solution where everyone wins and feels content. It's a word of negotiation, one that forces people to be selfless and discover a victory for everyone involved.
18. Aspaldiko
This basque word, aspaldiko, summarizes that feeling of indescribable joy and happiness that comes with reuniting with someone you haven't seen in a very long time. It's a beautiful word with a meaning that we've all experienced before.
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19. Ailyak
In the busy hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to forget not to lose yourself to all the chaos. Everything is often so fast-paced, we need constant reminders that sometimes, it's worth taking your time so you can soak up the process and enjoy it. That's what ailyak, a Bulgarian word, is all about. It's time to relax!
20. Voorpret
A great word to end this list off with is Voorpret, a Dutch word that takes happiness to a new level. This word symbolizes all those excited and joyful feelings you get when you're preparing and getting ready for a big event. Just think of it as being so full of anticipation, you can't contain your positive emotions!