Armies Of The World
Ever wondered how your country would fare in a major standoff? Now you can know for sure. Global Firepower uses over 50 individual factors to determine a given nation's PowerIndex score, with categories ranging from military might and financials to logistical capability and geography. We compiled the top 50 most powerful armies in the world, along with some fascinating facts and trivia about each one.
U.S. Air Force photo/Lance Cheung on Wikimedia
50. Iraq
Even more interesting that Iraq’s defense spending is where the funding comes from; since 2014, the US has provided the Iraqi army with over $25 billion in training and equipment.
PowerIndex: 0.7911
Population: 40,194,216
Active personnel: 165,000
Military budget: $1,730,000,000 USD
49. Denmark
Denmark’s military motto is “Some things are worth fighting for.” We assume one of them is Denmark, though the country has been involved in a number of international efforts steadily since 2002.
PowerIndex: 0.7878
Population: 5,809,502
Active personnel: 16,000
Military budget: $4,760,000,000 USD
48. Philippines
This beautiful country with its amazing food and welcoming people has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. Its motto is “Serving the people. Securing the land.”
PowerIndex: 0.7852
Population: 105,893,381
Active personnel: 125,000
Military budget: $3,470,000,000 USD
Vyacheslav Argenberg on Wikimedia
47. Chile
The red and grey banners of the Chilean army flies the motto, “Always victorious, never defeated.” About a fifth of its active personnel are conscripts doing mandatory military service for a set amount of time.
PowerIndex: 0.7668
Population: 17,925,262
Active personnel: 77,000
Military budget: $4,250,000,000 USD
Juan Pablo Ahumada on Unsplash
46. Bangladesh
The Bangladeshi army’s motto is “In war, in peace, we are everywhere for our country.” It’s one of the youngest armies on this list; it emerged in 1971, during the war to liberate Bangladesh from Pakistan’s rule.
PowerIndex: 0.7066
Population: 159,453,001
Active personnel: 160,000
Military budget: $3,800,000,000 USD
45. United Arab Emirates
Despite having such small numbers in terms of manpower, the UAE armed forces have proved so effective in various international and local military campaigns that they’ve earned themselves a nickname, “Little Sparta.” They might be small, but they’re formidable.
PowerIndex: 0.7265
Population: 9,701,315
Active personnel: 64,000
Aircraft strength: 538
Combat tanks: 434
Naval assets: 75
Military budget: $22,755,000,000
44. Malaysia
The Malaysian army’s motto is “Strong and loyal.” I was formed through the unification of smaller forces after the cessation of British colonial rule in 1957.
PowerIndex: 0.6523
Population: 31,809,660
Active personnel: 110,000
Aircraft strength: 170
Combat tanks: 74
Naval assets: 61
Military budget: $4,000,000,000
Patrick Langwallner on Unsplash
43. Argentina
“Born with the fatherland in 1810” -- the Argentinian army’s motto is educational, if not very inspiring.
PowerIndex: 0.6521
Population: 44,694,198
Active personnel: 83,515
Aircraft strength: 227
Combat tanks: 370
Naval assets: 49
Military budget: $4,200,000,000
42. Nigeria
The Nigerian army’s motto is “Victory is from God alone.”
PowerIndex: 0.7007
Population: 203,452,505
Active personnel: 120,000
Aircraft strength: 129
Combat tanks: 253
Naval assets: 75
Military budget: $2,155,000,000
41. Venezuela
The official colors of the Venezuelan army are red and blue, and its motto is “Forger of liberties.” Venezuela is one of the 12 countries in the world that have compulsory military service.
PowerIndex: 0.6449
Population: 31,689,176
Active personnel: 343,000
Aircraft strength: 260
Combat tanks: 390
Naval assets: 49
Military budget: $745,000,000
40. Peru
The Peruvian army’s motto would make a great name for an action movie: “Until the last cartridge has been fired.”
PowerIndex: 0.6841
Population: 31,331,228
Active personnel: 90,000
Aircraft strength: 273
Combat tanks: 146
Naval assets: 60
Military budget: $2,560,000,000
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash Lima, Peru
39. Romania
Founded in 1859, the Romanian Armed Forces is comprised of land forces, naval forces, and an air force.
PowerIndex: 0.6461
Population: 21,457,116
Active personnel: 70,000
Aircraft strength: 143
Combat tanks: 943
Naval assets: 48
Military budget: $5,050,000,000
38. Mexico
Mexico’s army motto is a simple, “Always loyal,” and much of their attention is focused on eliminating their rivals, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, which boasts even larger numbers than they do, with around 300,000 members.
PowerIndex: 0.5574
Population: 125,959,205
Active personnel: 277,000
Aircraft strength: 484
Combat tanks: 0
Naval assets: 189
Military budget: $7,000,000,000
37. Colombia
The National Army of Colombia champions “Homeland, honor, loyalty.” In terms of pure manpower, it’s the largest army in the Americas after the US and Brazil.
PowerIndex: 0.6045
Population: 48,168,996
Active personnel: 295,000
Aircraft strength: 469
Combat tanks: 0
Naval assets: 453
Military budget: $10,600,000,000
36. The Netherlands
The Royal Netherlands army dates back to the creation of one of the first standing armies in the world, in 1572. Since WWII they have been engaged primarily in peace-keeping missions abroad.
PowerIndex: 0.5919
Population: 17,151,228
Active personnel: 35,500
Aircraft strength: 168
Combat tanks: 18
Naval assets: 63
Military budget: $12,419,000,000
35. Myanmar
The Myanmar military doesn’t have its own slogan, but the country as a whole does have a motto, “Happiness through harmony.” It stands to reason that the purpose behind having one of the world’s most powerful armies in to maintain that harmony.
PowerIndex: 0.5691
Population: 55,622,506
Active personnel: 406,000
Aircraft strength: 276
Combat tanks: 434
Naval assets: 187
Military budget: $2,650,000,000
34. Czech Republic
The Army of the Czech Republic is the youngest on this list, beginning in its current form in 1994. It used to be one of the few countries in the world with compulsory military service, but abolished conscription in 2004.
PowerIndex: 0.5531
Population: 10,686,269
Active personnel: 25,000
Aircraft strength: 95
Combat tanks: 116
Naval assets: 0
Military budget: $2,969,000,000
33. Greece
The motto of the Hellenic Army is “Freedom stems from valor.” The line comes from Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War in 411BC, a reminder that the Greek military has been around for a long, long time.
PowerIndex: 0.5311
Population: 10,761,523
Active personnel: 200,000
Aircraft strength: 566
Combat tanks: 1,355
Naval assets: 116
Military budget: $4,844,000,000
32. Sweden
An interesting bit of history of the Swedish Armed Forces is that after WWI they downsized their military drastically, perhaps optimistically assuming that they were home free when it came to any more major world wars. Yeah, not so much; when WWII came around, they scrambled to rearm themselves in time to defend the country.
PowerIndex: 0.5304
Population: 10,040,995
Active personnel: 30,000
Aircraft strength: 204
Combat tanks: 126
Naval assets: 63
Military budget: $6,326,923,600
31. Norway
“For peace and freedom” is Norway’s military motto.
PowerIndex: 0.6103
Population: 5,372,191
Active personnel: 24,000
Aircraft strength: 150
Combat tanks: 52
Naval assets: 62
Military budget: $7,179,000,000
30. Switzerland
With a strong reputation for peace, it might come as a surprise that the Swiss have one of the most powerful militaries. Its motto is “Honor, unity, modesty,” which seems to fit the bill in this case.
PowerIndex: 0.5459
Population: 8,292,809
Active personnel: 21,000
Aircraft strength: 169
Combat tanks: 326
Naval assets: 0
Military budget: $5,000,000,000
29. South Africa
The green-and-black-clad soldiers of the South African armed forces are called “Wielders of the sword,” though these days they’re carrying more technologically advanced weaponry. That helps them rank among the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.5405
Population: 55,380,210
Active personnel: 66,300
Aircraft strength: 226
Combat tanks: 195
Naval assets: 30
Military budget: $4,278,000,000
Finding Dan | Dan Grinwis on Unsplash
28. Algeria
The Algerian army formed in 1962, after the liberation war, making it one of the youngest armies on this list. For that reason, it’s even more impressive that it’s already one of the most powerful armies in the world.
PowerIndex: 0.4659
Population: 41,657,488
Active personnel: 130,000
Aircraft strength: 551
Combat tanks: 880
Naval assets: 201
Military budget: $13,000,000,000
27. Ukraine
Since 2018, the Armed Forces of Ukraine has had a new motto, “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!” This replaces the old “Wish you health, comrade!” that soldiers used to say to each other during the Soviet Era. It’s anyone’s guess whether they meant it or not.
PowerIndex: 0.4457
Population: 43,952,299
Active personnel: 255,000
Aircraft strength: 297
Combat tanks: 2,026
Naval assets: 25
Military budget: $5,400,000,000
26. Taiwan
The Taiwanese Armed Forces, otherwise known as the ROC, or Republic of China Armed Forces, has a motto of “Forever loyalty.” Citizens have to serve a mandatory term of four months as part of their mandatory military service.
PowerIndex: 0.4396
Population: 23,545,963
Active personnel: 165,000
Aircraft strength: 744
Combat tanks: 1,180
Naval assets: 117
Military budget: $10,725,000,000
Chensiyuan, edit by DXR on Wikimedia
25. North Korea
North Korea has universal conscription for citizens, which means that all men, and many women, will serve a mandatory three years in the country’s armed forces.
PowerIndex: 0.3718
Population: 25,381,085
Active personnel: 1,280,000
Aircraft strength: 949
Combat tanks: 6,045
Naval assets: 984
Military budget: $1,600,000,000
24. Canada
Canada’s military motto is also a lyric from its national anthem: “We stand on guard for thee.” Not to be confused with the RCMP, which only has jurisdiction inside the country.
PowerIndex: 0.3712
Population: 35,881,659
Active personnel: 71,500
Aircraft strength: 385
Combat tanks: 80
Naval assets: 64
Military budget: $22,500,000,000
23. Thailand
The official color of the Thai army is a traffic-stopping red, and its motto is “For the Nation, Religions, Monarchy, and People.” Despite low spending, they're among the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.3571
Population: 68,615,858
Active personnel: 360,850
Aircraft strength: 570
Combat tanks: 841
Naval assets: 292
Military budget: $7,100,000,000
22. Vietnam
The Republic of Vietnam’s military motto is “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.” Have to say we agree wholeheartedly with that one.
PowerIndex: 0.3559
Population: 97,040,334
Active personnel: 482,000
Aircraft strength: 293
Combat tanks: 2,615
Naval assets: 65
Military budget: 5,500,000,000 USD
21. Poland
“God, honor, fatherland,” is the Polish navy’s austere motto. It’s also the only military in the world to give a two-finger salute, instead of the more common one using all the fingers of the right hand.
PowerIndex: 0.3397
Population: 38,420,687
Active personnel: 118,000
Aircraft strength: 457
Combat tanks: 1,069
Naval assets: 87
Military budget: 12,000,000,000
Andrea Anastasakis on Unsplash
20. Spain
Spain’s armed forces don’t have an official motto, but the unofficial one is “Everything for the Motherland.” We prefer the promise of that of the Rescue Swimmers regiment: “Dead or alive, you come with us.”
PowerIndex: 0.3321
Population: 49,331,076
Active personnel: 124,000
Aircraft strength: 512
Combat tanks: 327
Naval assets: 77
Military budget: 15,100,000,000 USD
19. Australia
“Duty and honor” apparently sums it up for the Aussie army, whose values champion “courage, initiative, respect, and teamwork.”
PowerIndex: 0.3225
Population: 23,470,145
Active personnel: 60,000
Aircraft strength: 464
Combat tanks: 59
Naval assets: 48
Military budget: $26,300,000,000
18. Israel
The Israel Defense Force’s motto is a bit of a mouthful: “As the bat emerges from the darkness, As the blade cuts through with silence, As the grenade smashes in rage.” Pretty ironic since the zip-lipped soldiers of the army are known as the “people of silence.”
PowerIndex: 0.3111
Population: 8,424,904
Active personnel: 170,000
Aircraft strength: 589
Combat tanks: 2,760
Naval assets: 65
Military budget: $20,000,000,000
17. Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is one of the few monarchies left in the world, and the Saudi military is technically owned by the king. Lucky for him, it's among the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.2973
Population: 33,091,113
Active personnel: 478,000
Aircraft strength: 879
Combat tanks: 1,062
Naval assets: 55
Military budget: $67,600,000,000
16. Indonesia
Indonesia’s army motto is in Sanskrit, and can be translated in two ways: “Great bird, no opponent,” or “Unmatchable bird with noble goals.”
PowerIndex: 0.2544
Population: 262,787,403
Active personnel: 400,000
Aircraft strength: 46
Combat tanks: 313
Naval assets: 282
Military budget: 7,600,000,000
15. Pakistan
The motto for the army of Pakistan is “Faith, piety, and fight in the path of God.” Their official colors are green and white, displayed prominently in their logo of two crossed scimitars.
PowerIndex: 0.2364
Population: 207,862,518
Active personnel: 654,000
Aircraft strength: 1,372
Combat tanks: 2,200
Naval assets: 100
Military budget: 11,400,000,000 USD
14. Iran
Iran’s military motto is "And Our Soldiers, They Verily Would Be the Victors." Quite a boast from one of the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.2282
Population: 83,024,745
Active personnel: 523,000
Aircraft strength: 509
Combat tanks: 2,056
Naval assets: 398
Military budget: $19,600,000,000
13. Germany
The German army’s motto runs “To protect, help, moderate, and fight,” in that order. The current iteration of the German armed forces was inaugurated in 1955.
PowerIndex: 0.2186
Population: 80,457,737
Active personnel: 182,650
Aircraft strength: 712
Combat tanks: 245
Naval assets: 80
Military budget: $50,000,000,000
12. Italy
Italy’s army has a no-nonsense motto, “The safeguard of the republic shall be the supreme law.” Fun!
PowerIndex: 0.2093
Population: 62,246,674
Active personnel: 175,000
Aircraft strength: 860
Combat tanks: 200
Naval assets: 249
Military budget: $27,800,000,000
11. Turkey
The Turkish army motto makes a lot of sense: “Peace at home, peace in the world.” Their official colors are gold and maroon, making their soldiers look a little like they’ve just been inducted into Gryffindor. Dumbledore's army was also one of the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.2189
Population: 81,257,239
Active personnel: 355,000
Aircraft strength: 1,055
Combat tanks: 2,622
Naval assets: 149
Military budget: $19,000,000,000
10. Brazil
The Brazilian army’s mascot is a jaguar. A friendly jaguar, to go along with its motto, “Strong arm, friendly hand!” We like the addition of the exclamation mark.
PowerIndex: 0.1988
Population: 208,846,892
Active personnel: 334,500
Aircraft strength: 715
Combat tanks: 437
Naval assets: 112
Military budget: $27.8BN
Agustin Diaz Gargiulo on Unsplash
9. Egypt
There’s a lot to unpack in the Egyptian army’s motto, “Victory or martyrdom.” It’s one of the countries that have compulsory military service for citizens. The result is one of the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.1889
Population: 99,413,317
Active personnel: 440,000
Aircraft strength: 1,054
Combat tanks: 4,295
Naval assets: 316
Military budget: $11.2BN
8. United Kingdom
The British army, despite its sterling reputation for etiquette, is historically one of the most powerful armies. You’ll find hints of this in their motto, “Death or glory,” and even more so in the navy’s motto, “If you wish for peace, prepare for war.”
PowerIndex: 0.1768
Population: 65,105,246
Active personnel: 192,660
Aircraft strength: 733
Combat tanks: 227
Naval assets: 88
Military budget: $55.1BN
7. France
France’s army motto is a classic, “Honor and fidelity.” Here’s a bit of history trivia for you: a French soldier is colloquially known as a poilu, meaning, literally, a hairy person.
PowerIndex: 0.1702
Population: 67,364,357
Active personnel: 268,000
Aircraft strength: 1,229
Combat tanks: 528
Naval assets: 180
Military budget: $41.5BN
6. South Korea
This country’s army motto is actually kind of sweet: “A strong friend, Republic of Korea Army.” Sort of how you would sign off on a letter to a pen pal, but it's one of the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.1488
Population: 51,418,097
Active personnel: 580,000
Aircraft strength: 1,649
Combat tanks: 2,614
Naval assets: 234
Military budget: $44BN
5. Japan
Officially known as the Japanese Self-Defences Forces, Japan’s army hasn’t had an official motto since WWII, when it was “All the world under one roof.” Pretty good saying when you have world domination in mind.
PowerIndex: 0.1441
Population: 126,168,156
Active personnel: 247,160
Aircraft strength: 1,561
Combat tanks: 1,004
Naval assets: 155
Military budget: $49BN
4. India
The Indian army’s main motto is “Service before self.” But all 33 of its regiments have their own mottos, including the optimistic; “Victory everywhere” and the hardcore; “It is better to die than live like a coward.” Worthy of one of the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.0953
Population: 1,296,834,042
Active personnel: 1,444,000
Aircraft strength: 2,123
Combat tanks: 4,292
Naval assets: 285
Military budget: $61BN
3. China
The Chinese army’s motto is simply, “Serve the people.” Can’t argue with that. Nor with the fact it's one of the world's most powerful armies.
PowerIndex: 0.0691
Population: 1,384,688,986
Active personnel: 2,183,000
Aircraft strength: 3,210
Combat tanks: 3,500
Naval assets: 777
Military budget: $237BN
2. Russia
The Russian army does not currently have a motto, although in the days of the Soviet Union it was the less-than-rousing “Exhortation, organization, and reprisals.” If they’re in the market for a new one, might we suggest “In Putin we trust?”
PowerIndex: 0.0681
Population: 142,122,776
Active personnel: 1,013,628
Aircraft strength: 4,163
Combat tanks: 12,950
Naval assets: 603
Military budget: $48BN
1. United States
The US Army’s motto is “This we’ll defend”. Its colors are black, gold, and white. And, it has a birthday: June 14. The US has the highest defense budget in the world, ensuring its military is armed, ready, and dangerous no matter what situation presents itself.
PowerIndex: 0.0606
Population: 329,256,465
Active personnel: 1,400,000
Aircraft strength: 13,264
Combat tanks: 6,289
Naval assets: 490
Military budget: $750BN