10 Animals That Were Considered Cryptids Before Being Discovered & 10 That Are Likely Still Out There
10 Animals That Were Considered Cryptids Before Being Discovered & 10 That Are Likely Still Out There
From Myth to Reality
Cryptids are essentially creatures or beasts that may exist out there but lack definitive proof. It turns out plenty of animals that were once considered cryptids actually ended up being proven real later on. With that in mind, here are 10 real-life cryptids and 10 that are waiting to be proven.
1. Colossal Squid
It turns out sailors have been talking about krakens for centuries – and apparently, they weren’t kidding. There are, in fact, both giant and colossal squids that roam in the deep oceans, with evidence pointing to beasts that are 46 feet in length.
2. Okapi
The Okapi was once a myth, and those who claimed to have seen it described it as a zebra and giraffe hybrid. However, in 1920, a live specimen was captured, proving the existence of this elusive species.
3. Komodo Dragon
Myths and legends of dragons have been around forever, and Westerners claimed to have spotted such a scaled beast in 1910. It was only a decade later that this sighting was proven true when scientists confirmed the existence of the giant lizard.
4. Giant Pangolin
There’s a trend among cryptids where many of the beasts are simply larger variants of existing animals. To that end, the giant pangolin was long considered a fictional creature throughout the 1800s until a live specimen was caught in the 1960s.
5. Coelacanth
Another common trend in cryptids is spotting long-extinct and prehistoric creatures in modern times. One such creature is the Coelacanth, which roamed the oceans millions of years ago – and apparently also today. In 1938, a fisherman managed to catch this prehistoric fish, proving its continued existence.
6. Saola
Another hybrid that the world doubted was the Saola, which supposedly lived in the mountains of Laos and Vietnam. The creature was a cross between a goat and an antelope and was only proven real in 1922.
The original uploader was Silviculture at Vietnamese Wikipedia. on Wikimedia
7. Mountain Gorilla
Nowadays, mountain gorillas are well known throughout the world. But for a long time, they were considered mythical creatures, that was until a scientist described them in 1902. Despite this description, they would never be fully documented until the '60s.
8. Yeti Crab
The yeti crab is an elusive and strange-looking giant creature that lurks at the bottom of the ocean. It was only discovered living near hydrothermal vents after some deep-sea expeditions, and it proves that giant creatures can not only survive on the inhospitable ocean floors but thrive.
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9. Megamouth Shark
Sharks have amazed the world for ages and are one of the most prolific hunters to have inhabited our world. One of the most interesting and rare species of shark is the Megamouth, which was rumored to exist but was only discovered in 1976.
10. Tasmanian Tiger
The Tasmanian tiger is another case of an animal that once lived long ago but is now considered extinct. In 1936, the last Tasmanian tiger had passed, but many claimed to still see the beast from time to time. Turns out, in 2017, a group of scientists found undeniable evidence that the creature still lurked out there in the wilds.
Now that we have discussed creatures that were once considered cryptids, here are 10 creatures that have yet to be proven but likely do exist.
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1. Orang Pendek
The Orang Pendek is essentially a Bigfoot-esque creature that has been spotted in the forests of Sumatra. Considering its similarity to orangutans, it’s not too far-fetched that a four-foot-tall ape lived in the region.
2. Yeti
Similar to stories of the mountain gorilla, which was long thought to be a myth before being proven, the idea of a polar gorilla in the Himalayas sounds believable. While there is no physical proof, the numerous sightings plus similarities with existing species make it believable.
3. Ogopogo
When it comes to the vastness of water, it’s clear that scientists are constantly discovering new species. What’s more interesting is that it appears lakes and rivers also host their share of cryptids. Ogopogo, much like the Loch Ness Monster and Mokele-Mbembe, is one of the many prehistoric beasts said to inhabit local shores.
Considering how many regions have stories of such beasts, there may be something to it.
4. Chupacabra
Depending on who you ask, the Chupacabra has already been proven real. After a series of livestock incidents in 1995, many Latin American countries were suddenly made aware of the movements of this dangerous beast. Nowadays, many scientists believe the reptilian-canine is actually a wolf, coyote, or dog suffering from a disease known as mange.
5. Mongolian Worm
While nothing as grand and large as the creatures from Dune is likely to exist out in the Gobi Desert, the thought of a smaller-scale worm doesn’t sound too far-fetched. Those who have claimed to encounter the beast say it spits out poisonous saliva, which many other species are known to do.
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6. Giant Snakes
The Amazon rainforest is a huge place full of mysterious regions that have yet to be uncovered. Additionally, we know there are many cases of cryptids that are larger versions of existing variants being discovered. With that in mind, a giant snake sounds pretty likely.
7. Bigfoot
There have been so many sightings of Bigfoot at this point that it would be hard to deny its prevalence. One might argue that the fact that there is so little evidence despite the sightings indicates it’s fake. But really, it doesn’t sound too far-fetched. After all, where else would giant furry apes live if not the forest?
8. Mokele-Mbembe
Speaking of lake and river monsters, as mentioned in the Ogopogo case, Mokele-Mbembe is likely also out there. He’s another one of those long-necked beasts that supposedly roams the Congo. It would be a weird coincidence if so many people were reporting the same beast in different bodies of water for no reason.
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9. Buru
There are claims of a giant Himalayan salamander living in the mountains. While it may sound like a strange mix, it doesn’t actually sound all that odd. Giant salamanders do exist, so why not throw one up in the mountains?
10. Giant Ground Sloth
With so many proven cryptids being giant variants of existing creatures, of course, it makes sense that there is a South American giant sloth hiding around the Amazon rainforest. Since prehistoric species have been found to be still alive to this day, perhaps there is a Megatherium lurking in the woods.