
10 Of The Worst Things About A Nomadic Lifestyle & 10 Of The Best

10 Of The Worst Things About A Nomadic Lifestyle & 10 Of The Best

The Life Of A Digital Nomad 

Without a fixed office, many workers choose to travel and bring their jobs along with them. Although a digital nomad typically lives an incredible life, it's not a lifestyle for everyone. Social media paints the nomadic lifestyle as the best way to live but some ugly truths come along with it. Here are the ups and downs of working abroad:  

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The fear of missing out is an issue for many digital nomads. It’s tempting to quit working and join your new friends who are on vacation. You get easily distracted by everything new and exciting around you and it’s hard to focus on your job. 

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2. Lack Of Stability

It can be hard to obtain a routine when you’re constantly on the go moving locations. Not much in your life is stable, making it challenging to keep your health in check or organize yourself. Spontaneity can be exciting but it can get exhausting after a while for some people.  

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3. Less Privacy 

You need to be a good sharer if you want to live the nomadic lifestyle. You’ll end up in many communal spaces like coworking offices or renting a room in a shared home. If you’re hostel hopping, that’s sharing on another level.  

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4. Homesick

Many digital nomads will get homesick, especially if they spend years on the move. They miss family members like their grandparents or their nieces and nephews growing up. They often miss special occasions holidays, birthdays and weddings. Sometimes they just want the comforts of home but they’re out of reach.   

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5. A Lot Of Goodbye Parties 

You make a lot of friends as a nomad but the downside is that as soon as you get attached to these people, they leave. Your tourist and nomad friends have an end date and you’ll eventually be the one to leave the locals you befriended. You’ll attend many goodbye parties with the hopes that you’ll cross paths again but you never know.  

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6. Loneliness

Even when you’re in contact with people every day, a nomadic lifestyle can feel lonely sometimes, especially when you first arrive at a new location. You might easily make friends in one place but it could be a slower process in the next. 

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7. Lack Of Community 

If you long to be a part of a traditional community, nomadic life might not be for you. You can temporarily insert yourself into a community but you’ll eventually leave it behind. Nomads have to be ok with starting over again and building relationships from scratch.  

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8. Living Out Of A Suitcase

If you have an iron in your room you’re living the dream. When your life is inside a suitcase  

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9. Internet Struggles

Wifi might be the only thing you need but it's not always reliable. Depending where you are in the world, service isn't always consistent or as fast as you want it to be. Loss of wifi connection can interrupt video meetings and overseas phone calls. 

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10. Uncertainty

When you're bouncing around from place to place there's a lot of uncertainty. You may arrive to your accommodation and it looks nothing like the photos. If you've never been to the country before you may be hit with culture shock or feel lost and out of place. 

Despite all the cons of a nomadic lifestyle, there's a reason so many digital nomads exist. Here are the best parts about working abroad: 

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1. Freedom

You have nothing tying you down! A change of scenery has a more significant meaning as a digital nomad. You can easily pick up and move when you're ready to try somewhere new. From cafes to beach loungers, you can bring your laptop to all kinds of locations as long as there's wifi. 

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2. Constantly Learning

Every day’s a school day when you're traveling somewhere new. You learn about the culture and all of the people you encounter. You'll face challenges that help you grow and open your mind to ways of life that differ from yours.  

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3. International Friendships

The best thing about nomadic life is the lifelong friendships you'll make with people from all over the world. You'll add more places to explore on your bucket list and you'll have a local tour guide whenever you visit your travel buddies. 

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4. Excitement & Happiness

Your life as a digital nomad is exciting and adventurous. You'll be a happy camper as you explore the world without a fixed office. If you love traveling, this work lifestyle will bring you more happiness then if you had a job at home. 

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5. Travel Experience

You'll cherish the experiences you encounter while you travel. Your lunch breaks might consist of a dip in the ocean and your weekend getaways might be climbing a volcano or hopping on a boat tour. You don't need to stress about booking vacation days when you're working from paradise.  

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6. Independence & Self-Exploration

Working while traveling helps you grow as an individual. You'll gain a lot of independence finding your way on your own. You'll discover more about yourself with the challenges you face and the new experiences you have. You'll learn how you adapt to other cultures and new environments. 

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7. Chase The Weather

If you want it to be summer all year long, make that dream a reality. You can chase the sun by bringing your laptop with you to tropical destinations or places where the climate is warm. If you've had enough of the rain in Dublin or your skin is fried from the Costa Rican beach, you can choose another location with your desired climate.    

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8. Learn To Live With Less

You'll discover quickly that you don't need a lot of stuff to live a great life... Or your aching back will encourage you to lighten up your luggage. Either way, you'll learn to live with less which is ultimately a more sustainable way to live.  

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9. Family Time Is Appreciated

You'll miss your family back home that when you visit, time together is greatly appreciated. You learn not to take your loved ones for granted and you cherish every moment you spend with them. Saying goodbye might feel sad but the excitement you feel every time you have a reunion is worth it. 

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10. Suits Any Budget

A nomadic lifestyle works for almost anyone's salary. You can work abroad on a tight budget by choosing locations with a cheaper cost of living or you can splurge if you have the funds. No matter your income, you can work and travel without financial stress if you plan accordingly. 

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