
20 Annoying Behaviors That Make Flight Attendants Hate You

20 Annoying Behaviors That Make Flight Attendants Hate You

It’s Going to Be a Long Flight

Flying is stressful for everyone, especially our poor flight attendants. From dealing with screaming children to being given creepy nicknames, here are 20 annoying behaviors to leave outside the plane. 

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1. Flirting With Them

Flight attendants don’t need lewd comments. It might seem innocent on the surface, but there’s an immediate power imbalance between passengers and the cabin crew—it’s their job to keep their cool, so it’s your responsibility to treat them with respect. 

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2. Leaving a Mess

Just because someone else will clean your mess doesn’t mean you should leave one. Flight attendants shouldn’t have to wipe up spills or throw out every abandoned wrapper. Hand them any trash when it’s time instead of just leaving it on the seat.

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3. Arguing About Rules

Flight attendants are just doing their job—they don’t have a say on where your bag should go. If they ask you to stow your purse under the seat, just listen! Arguing with them not only makes the flight tense, but it also won’t change protocol. 

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4. Trying to Move During Refreshments

Hey, we get it. Sometimes you gotta go. However, it’s best to wait until the aisle is clear (if you can). You’ve seen how cumbersome that snack cart is, so trying to barrel your way through won’t make it easy on either one of you.

air hostess wearing a facemask standing in the aisle of an aeroplaneIsmail Mohamed - SoviLe on Unsplash

5. Organizing the Overhead

This seems polite in theory, but organizing the overhead bin eats up time, clogs the aisle, and leaves a bigger mess for flight attendants. The best thing you can do is stow your luggage and leave the rest to the pros. 

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6. Invading Personal Space

A simple “excuse me” flags a flight attendant—passengers don’t need to touch them. You don’t need to whistle or snap your fingers either. If they can’t get to you right away, that’s what the call button is for.

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7. Call Them for Everything

Flight attendants are there to help, not do everything for you; overusing the call button is the fastest way to sour any pleasantries. Need another bottle of water? No problem. Hoping for someone to chat with? Problem.   

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8. Making Small Talk

Speaking of which, flight attendants can’t have an hour-long chat with passengers. Not only do aisles need to remain clear, but employees are way busier than we think behind the scenes. Only call them over when you need something! 

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9. Leaving Your Bags to Them

We’re not talking about older passengers or those with injuries—we’re talking about people who dump their purse on the floor and expect flight attendants to deal with it. If you’re able to, stow your own luggage and keep the line moving.

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10. Pretending Your Seat Belt is On

The odds of an emergency are pretty low, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore protocol. Fasten your seat belt and remain seated. Though it doesn’t look like it, planes move faster than you think and you’re only putting yourself at risk. 

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11. Creepy Nicknames

Much like flirting, flight attendants don’t appreciate inappropriate nicknames either. Stuff like “honey,” “sweetheart,” or “toots” gets on their nerves pretty quickly, so it’s best to leave them at home. 

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12. Reinforcing the Rules

It might seem helpful to police passengers, but that can actually escalate to larger problems. If you see something, use the call button to alert flight attendants. They don’t need you getting involved or exacerbating any tension. 

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13. Asking to Change Seats

Once you’re on the plane, it’s too late to switch. Seating issues should be dealt with beforehand or during booking. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule, but don’t expect flight attendants to wave a magic wand and bump you to a window seat. AdriennAdrienn on Pexels

14. Ignoring the Safety Announcement

You’ve either heard it a thousand times or just don’t care—regardless, you need to listen to the safety announcement! It’s there for your benefit, after all. They’re so important, in fact, that airlines often use drastic measures to retain your attention. 

white and blue instruction guideCalle Macarone on Unsplash

15. Handing Off Diapers 

It doesn’t matter if there’s a line to the bathroom. It also doesn’t matter how soiled the diaper is. Don’t hand dirty diapers to your flight attendant! Passengers should toss any hazardous trash in the bathroom.

woman carrying baby while sitting on gray seatPaul Hanaoka on Unsplash


16. Lack of Manners

Whatever happened to please and thank you? If anyone deserves basic manners, it’s flight attendants! Common courtesy goes a long way in customer service, so be sure to treat people with respect.

flight attendant standing between passenger seatKenny Eliason on Unsplash

17. Helping Yourself to Refreshments

Some passengers think they’re helping out. Others just can’t wait. Either way, don’t help yourself to the snack cart. It messes with protocol, it’s a health hazard, and can also cause tension with passengers who may wonder why you got served before them. 

a piece of bread on a napkinGeorge Pagan III on Unsplash

18. Going Barefoot

For most passengers, this one’s a no-brainer. Yet, every day someone treats a flight like their personal living room. Keep your shoes, and especially socks, on at all times! Flight attendants will only tell you the same thing. 

person holding pair of brown leather shoesNordWood Themes on Unsplash

19. Piling Things on Your Tray

It seems helpful to stack dishes for flight attendants, but it can actually disrupt their flow. Those little dishes usually stack, so leaving them allows the cabin crew to filter them back into their allotted towers.  

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20. Ignoring Them

Though most passengers thank the pilot, many don’t thank their flight attendants. You should! It’s always nice to thank them for all their hard work, especially after running up and down the aisles for several hours.

woman in black button up long sleeve shirtPhạm Duy Quang on Unsplash