
Off The Clock: 20 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Vacation Days

Off The Clock: 20 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Vacation Days

The Best Way To Use Your PTO

Every year at the start of the new year, every worker is thinking the same thing: how am I going to use my vacation days? From planning as many small trips as possible to using it all at once for something grand, there are so many different options for using your PTO. If you're looking for the best ways to make the most out of them, here are 20 tips you'll find helpful.

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1. Know How Much PTO You Have 

Before you start planning your next big trip, it's important to know how many days you've got to work with. Do you want to do multiple small trips or one giant one? Can you wait all year long before being able to go on vacation? Getting a good idea of how much PTO you have will help you better plan out your year. 

person holding calendar at JanuaryBrooke Lark on Unsplash

2. Take Advantage of Weekends

Make your vacation last longer by taking advantage of your weekly time off: the weekends. By combining these two things together, you'll get the best value out of your PTO. It's the perfect way to make less days feel like more. 

the word saturday written in cut out lettersKelly Sikkema on Unsplash

3. Make Your Long Weekends Even Longer

Don't forget about stat holidays either they serve as the perfect opportunity to make your long weekends even better. Because let's be honest, everyone loves nothing more than getting to save that extra vacation day. It'll sure come in handy when spontaneous plans come up or as an extra day of relaxation we could all use. 

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4. Plan Trips During Down Time

The perk about being an adult is you don't have to worry about school schedules; you can plan trips during down time to save money! Whether you're trying to budget or simply hate large crowds, use your vacation days to best fit your preferences. If it means booking during less busy seasons, do that. 

people using umbrella while crossing on roadAlex Block on Unsplash

5. Consider Shorter Trips

If you really want to get the most out of your vacation days, consider spreading short trips throughout the year instead of one big one. For all you travel lovers, this is the best way to explore as many places as possible. It's also nice knowing you have something to look forward to multiple times during the year. 

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6. Explore Local Places

Anytime you're traveling by plane, you basically have to set aside two days for the departing flight and one for the return. It's always sad seeing a vacation day being wasted like this, but what can you do? If you don't want to lose two days to travel time, consider exploring more local places instead. Traveling via car or even somewhere close with a short flight can really save you time. 

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7. Ask To Work Remotely

Don't feel like you have enough vacation days to fully enjoy your trip? Try asking if you can work remotely; this will allow you to stay at whatever paradise you're at without having to take any unpaid time off. It's truly the best of both worlds!

person using macbook air on lapJess Morgan on Unsplash

8. Plan Way In Advance

It can feel pretty stressful trying to balance getting your work done while also planning for the perfect vacation. Save yourself the hassle and try planning your trips earlier in advance. It's nice getting it out of the way so you know exactly how your year is going to pan out. 

person holding ballpoint pen writing on white paperMarissa Grootes on Unsplash

9. Try Not To Go During Busy Work Seasons

You may be thinking the opposite is better so you can avoid stressful work seasons, but in reality, most people who leave for vacation during these times feel guilty or nervous. With so much on your plate and knowing you'll have a stack of work waiting for you when you return, it can be hard to enjoy your trip. How can you relax knowing that in a couple of days you won't be able to?

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10. Book Reasonable Return Flights

We know you want to make the most of your time, but do you really want to catch a 1:00am flight home only to start working at 8:00am the very same day? Try to ease back into your work flow as smoothly as possible. Sometimes, that means booking a return fight at a reasonable hour that won't leave you feeling exhausted the next work day. 

whgite United plane on parkTim Gouw on Unsplash

11. Book Evening Departures

Even if you have to compromise on your return flight, you can definitely book departures to your advantage. If you can find one that leaves the evening of your work day, it's saving you a lot of time. It might feel a bit rushed but you'll be happy to enjoy the entire next day travel free. 

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12. Look For Ways To Cut Down Travel Time

Even if it means spending a bit more money, sometimes it's worth booking flights that are non-stop just so you can cut down travel time. Lay-overs simply aren't worth your time and when you have a limited number of vacation days, every hour counts. 

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13. Carry Over Vacation Days

If you know you've got a big trip planned the next year or multiple throughout, consider saving some days to carry over. Yes, it means you'll have to go with less days off during your current year, but your future self will definitely thank you. Go over your company's policies to see how carryovers work or discuss with your boss early on.

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14. Ask For Time Off Way In Advance

Don't miss your opportunity to go on the perfect trip just because someone else booked time off earlier than you. It's always smarter to plan ahead so you know if you have the okay to proceed with your bookings. If you're planning a trip with friends, it'll also help to make planning smoother if everyone is on the same page. 

Marcus AureliusMarcus Aurelius on Pexels

15. Take Advantage Of Business Trips

Just because you're away on business doesn't mean you can't enjoy wherever it is you're at! Work is only 8 hours a day after all. Make the most out of your business trips by enjoying the city when you sign off. Treat it like a mini vacation and see it as a blessing in disguise. 

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16. Combine With Other PTO (If Allowed)

Some companies provide other forms of PTO like personal days and sick days. Depending on the policies, you may be able to combine all those days to use for vacation. While it'll vary for different people, that's why it's so important to study up on your company's holiday benefits so you can use them to your advantage. 

woman in black long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on white tableKelly Sikkema on Unsplash

17. Do Weekend Trips

If you can fit your getaway schedule into 2 or 3 days depending if it's a long weekend, definitely give it a try. Not only will you get to enjoy a short trip of relaxation, you get to save all your vacation days for something a bit bigger and more special!

scrabble letters spelling out the word yay weekendSincerely Media on Unsplash

18. Unplug Completely

Sign out from all your work apps on your phone while on vacation. You took the time off, you deserve it, now go enjoy it! There's no need to feel pressure to answer messages or check in on how things are going. Everyone needs a break sometimes so make sure you properly take your time off to relax. 

woman holding iPhone during daytimePaul Hanaoka on Unsplash

19. Don't Feel Guilty About Leaving

People can sometimes feel guilty for taking time off but they really shouldn't. You worked for these days and you should be enjoying them to the fullest. Harboring these worries will only dampen your vacation mood, and worst of all, ruin it for others if you're traveling as a group.


20. Consider Unpaid Time Off

It's definitely not the most ideal, but if you need it, what can you do? If you're planning your dream trip and need a few extra days, consider asking for some unpaid time off. Don't ruin the vacation days you have by rushing things; if it's something you've wanted for a long time, at least try to make it as perfect as possible. 

man in gray crew neck shirt wearing aviator sunglassesAlexander Grey on Unsplash