Living The Dream: Top 20 Career Choices That Allow You To Travel

Living The Dream: Top 20 Career Choices That Allow You To Travel

Have A Job That Fuels Your Dreams

Now more than ever, you can have a career without giving up on your travel dreams. Many jobs facilitate or even require traveling. Whether you're creative or more of a people person, you can align your traveling job with your unique skillset. Here are 20 top career choices for people who love to travel.

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1. Blogger/Vlogger

All you need to be a blogger is a stable internet connection, a laptop, and some writing skills. Vlogging takes a little bit more equipment, but as one of the job's requirements is to be nomadic, it's a rewarding and fun career choice for travelers. 

Andrew NeelAndrew Neel on Pexels

2. Flight Attendant

If you love traveling, and flying and have great people skills, flight attendant might be the right career choice for you. You literally get paid to travel. Plus, you get amazing perks like free and heavily discounted flights, great benefits, and food expenses paid. 

RDNE Stock projectRDNE Stock project on Pexels

3. Au Pair

If you love children, being an au pair is an excellent career choice. You get to travel to a different country, fully immerse yourself in a culture, and take care of kids.

File:Colombian - Au pair.jpgJessica.Gallegos on Wikimedia


4. Consultant

If you have a lot of job experience already, you could market yourself as an expert and take on some consultant work. That way, you get a lot of flexibility as your own boss and can work from anywhere.

man sitting beside side tableJohn Doe on Unsplash

5. Pilot

Being a pilot is an exciting and sought-after career choice that also pays quite well. As a pilot, you get paid to travel, help people to their destinations, and get amazing perks and benefits. Not to mention, you get to learn how to fly!

Matheus BertelliMatheus Bertelli on Pexels

6. Travel Photographer

One of the coolest jobs you can have if you have a good eye for photography is to be a travel photographer. Travel photographers capture landscapes, cultures, and events around the world. They often get paid by publications on a freelance basis.

person in gray hoodie using black binocularsJakob Owens on Unsplash

7. Cruise Ship Worker

Another great way to get paid to travel is working on a cruise ship. Cruise ships need to fill all kinds of roles from chefs to beauticians to childcare workers and concierges, there are plenty of opportunities for people of various talents.

cruise shipPeter Hansen on Unsplash

8. Freelance Writer

Becoming a freelance writer allows you to have a lot of flexibility. Writing is fairly portable and being abroad will provide you with plenty of stories you can pitch to various publications.

a person sitting on a bench with a laptopOPPO Find X5 Pro on Unsplash

9. ESL Teacher

Everyone has that one friend who taught English overseas. Becoming an English as a second language teacher is a rewarding way to live abroad and immerse yourself in a different culture.

a hand writing on a chalkboardAntoinette Plessis on Unsplash


10. Digital Nomad

Now with so many jobs being remote, being a digital nomad can mean many things. Whether you work in IT or communications, if you have a professional job, there's a good chance it can be done remotely, allowing you to live the digital nomad life. 


11. Virtual Assistant

If you're an organized person, virtual assistant might be the right career choice for you. The job entails helping clients with their administrative tasks. With modern technology, it's an extremely portable job that can be done from anywhere with internet connection.

macbook pro on brown wooden tableTobias Tullius on Unsplash

12. International Aid Worker

If you want a profession that's truly rewarding and allows you to travel, being an international aid worker might be the right fit for you. It entails helping people and communities in developing countries, providing humanitarian aid, and responding to emergencies. 

Lagos Food Bank InitiativeLagos Food Bank Initiative on Pexels

13. Archaeologist

Are you a history buff? You can travel the world while being a part of uncovering history by becoming an archaeologist. Archaeologists sudy everything from fossils to buildings in order to document the past.

Ron LachRon Lach on Pexels

14. Copywriter

If you're a wordsmith with a knack for marketing, copywriter might be the job for you. Plus, it's a job you can bring with you practically anywhere, lending itself well to travel. 

Ron LachRon Lach on Pexels

15. Software Developer

Another job that has become increasingly portable in recent years is software development. Flex your problem-solving skills, code, and create while traveling and living abroad. 

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16. Concierge

Becoming a concierge at a hotel or hostel is a great way to get to intimately know a city and meet all kinds of different people. If you work at a large chain, you may be able to get transferred to different locations within the company so you can travel even more.

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17. Bartender

The good news about being a bartender is you can do it anywhere in the world that has bars. All you need is a little experience. Plus, it's a fun job that allows you to meet a lot of people. 

Magda EhlersMagda Ehlers on Pexels

18. Server

Being a server is another great way to travel as you can work at any restaurant in the world. It would be an especially good fit if you have a passion for food and are a people person. The only obstacle is that you would have to have a good handle on the language in whatever country you want to go to.

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

19. Chef

Another great option in the service industry, being a chef gives you transferrable skills you can take into any kitchen environment. Working in international kitchens is a great way to hone your skills, learn about different cultures' cuisines, and travel the world while developing your passion.

Rene TerpRene Terp on Pexels

20. Graphic Designer

Many graphic designer jobs are now remote, requiring little equipment other than a good-quality laptop. Graphic design is a sought-after profession that allows for a lot of freedom and creativity. It's perfect for an artsy person with traveling on their mind.

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