There's no more traditionally strained relationship than the one between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Don't get us wrong -- some of them are great. But the character Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond didn't come from nowhere. It comes from a real place, and that place is the land of the nightmare mother-in-law.
These folks from all over the world have turned to the internet to share their most frustrating stories of mothers-in-law who just have no chill. We hope you can't relate...
30. Mother-in-law cuts her out of the photo
Image by White77 from Pixabay
29. "Earrings are only for girls and criminals"
28. Open relationship, closed-minded mother-in-law
27. Crazy mother-in-law wants your birth certificate for... reasons?
26. Blaming daughter-in-law for cheating husband
25. Starting a fight at a wedding rehearsal
24. Baby, or cat's butt?
23. I can tell my own children apart, thanks
22. Controlling mother-in-law changes the will
21. "You are literally Hitler"
20. Mother-in-law illegally opens credit card in son's name
Photo by from Pexels
19. Mother-in-law loses it over granddaughter's imaginary friend
18. A gift with strings attached isn't a gift
I'm engaged, planning on getting married next fall to my fiancee (we're both women). We want something very small, we have a guest list of 11 people and we want to wear clothes we already own. We have a mutual best friend who is helping us design custom rings, and we want a short ceremony where we just sign the certificate and we're done, followed by a meal at our favourite restaurant.
My parents transferred me $15,000, and her parents did the same. We did not ask for this.
We both called our parents and explained that we were fine for money, but they said it was a "wedding gift", so we thanked them.
MIL wanted to know how we were doing the outfits and we told her that I'd be in a dress and fiancee would be in a suit. She has spent 2 weeks trying to convince fiancee to wear a dress so she will look "pretty" for the wedding.
My parents, meanwhile, have been nagging both of us about our guest list. We said small and intimate from the start but they've given me expanded guest lists, which includes cousins/uncles/aunts I've never even met. When we tried to reinforce the "small and intimate" aspect they brushed us off.
We met both sets of parents for lunch earlier. They said that there was a miscommunication and the money from her parents was actually a "dress budget" for both of us, meant to only be used on dresses, and the money from my parents was for "the guest list" so it was meant to cover venue and catering for an expanded guest list.
We both went away from the table to talk. We discussed it and agreed that the money wasn't worth it, so we brought up our banking apps and transferred the money back. Then we went back to the table, sat back down, and told them what we'd done.
They responded that we were acting like children, and we said that we wouldn't be told what to do. My mum and my future mother-in-law promptly burst into tears, and both fathers looked pretty angry. They told us that the money was meant for us, and we said that we wouldn't accept anything from them that came with strings attached.
We repeated that we had all wedding elements, including our outfits and guest list already decided. We said it was final and we wouldn't be taking suggestions, to which they said we were being unfair by not giving them a say. We then thanked them for the meal, put down a $20 each, and left without another word.
17. Mother-in-law is happy that my sister died
16. Mother-in-law nearly kills because she doesn't believe in allergies
15. The husband is the hero in this one
14. Mother-in-law ruins Thanksgiving
13. Mother-in-law forbids you to have a girl
12. Mother-in-law canceled my doctor appointment
11. Mother-in-law makes vegetarian granddaughter cry
Am I overreacting by not wanting to allow my MIL to feed my children anymore after this?
My 9-year-old daughter became a vegetarian about 8 months ago and takes it surprisingly seriously, given her age. For some bizarre reason, my MIL has a serious bug up her butt about it and hates that my husband and I allow it.
On Friday night, we had dinner with my husband's parents and she served spaghetti. It was a meat sauce for the rest of us, but when she gave my daughter her bowl, she said "and a special veggie sauce just for you" all sweetly. Halfway through her bowl, daughter started to panic and asked MIL if she was sure there was no meat in the sauce. MIL insisted there was none.
I took her plate to inspect and sure enough, there was beef in her sauce. My daughter immediately began to cry.
I took her into the living room to calm her down while my husband confronted his mom. She at first insisted it was an accident, but after he established he didn't buy that for a second, she admitted it was intentional. She said she thought by reminding her how delicious meat was, she would "give up that vegetarian nonsense. People are going to think there's something WRONG with her."
At that point I insisted we leave. I was starting to seriously consider throwing the spagetti in the bitch's face, but knew it would traumatize the kids. In the car, we obviously explained to daughter that there was nothing wrong with her and grandma was 100% incorrect. She seemed to have already come to that conclusion on her own, though.
10. Slapping a woman who just gave birth
9. Tricking nasty stepmom into wasting tons of money
Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash
8. Trying to make it look like you're cheating
I'm bi, but I'm in love with my male fiance. My MIL, having known about the bi thing since before we got together, is convinced I'll cheat on him with a woman, despite us being together for 3 years and me not so much as looking at another person in this time.
About a month ago I met his cousin, a straight woman with a boyfriend, and you know when you meet someone and you immediately know you'll be friends? It was like that.
We've seen each other twice since the initial meeting, one with fiance there and then the other day when we went shopping and got coffee without him. She took a picture of the two of us siting on opposite sides of a table at Starbucks, posted it on the book of faces, and tagged me.
Tonight my fiance then shows me a message from his mother. "Honey, I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this but you have a right to know. [My name] has been unfaithful, and has betrayed you in the worst of ways. If you need me I'm here." Then she sent the photo of me and the cousin.
She tried to tell my fiance that I am cheating on him with his straight, committed, female cousin. He replied with 3 cry laughing emojis and a reminder that the woman was his cousin.
Instead of bowing out graciously with what little was left of her dignity, she then doubled down, saying, "I didn't want to have to do this but here" and then sent him a photo of me with an older blonde woman who she has never met. This woman was... drum roll please... my half-sister.
My fiance thinks this is the funniest thing in the world and I have to agree. Not the first time she's done something like this but definitely the funniest. Fiance says jury's out on whether he's inviting her to the wedding or not because like I said this isn't the first time she's done something like this.
7. MIL grabs unknown pregnant woman
I'm pregnant and at Starbucks (I get a small coffee twice a week) and this woman behind me taps me on the shoulder. Now, understand I'm originally from the South so I can be a little too friendly.
So I turn and am immediately greeted with "OH MY GOD HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?" very loudly. This woman is probably in her 50s.
Me: Um... Right about 30 weeks...
Weird Lady (WL) : You're SO BIG hahahaha are you sure it's not twins? My daughter-in-law is pregnant too hahahaha so funny! She's a lot bigger than you are hahahaha but she eats badly so I think she's fat too hahahaha! I bet if I lived closer to them I could make her eat better. I JUST LOVED BEING PREGNANT ISN'T IT THE BEST?
Me, now strained smiling: Ha ha. Yeah, pregnancy is fun. Ha.
WL reaches out and touches my belly, so I instinctively smack her hand. This is my second pregnancy. I learned the first time that people touch you and I can't stand it.
Me: Don't touch me please. I don't know you.
WL calls supervisor over and complains that I hit her.
Supervisor: I saw. You touched her without permission. She smacked your hand.
I'm just standing there starting to feel sick because anxiety is kicking in high. I know my eyes are starting to water, I'm getting hot so I know I'm blushing.
Long story short, the supervisor makes her leave and I get coffee and a free cake pop because I think they could tell I was close to crying. But Jesus. Don't. Touch. People. That poor woman's daughter-in-law.
6. "MY grandbaby..."
5. Mother-in-law calls to tell you what to name your child
I'm currently pregnant. My MIL got off the phone a little while ago with my fiance. MIL was trying to convince my partner to name our child Elizabeth after her mother. Which I hate and so does he.
He gently let her down because he says the more firm you are with her, the more combative she becomes. I've only met them a handful of times since they live out of state. So she called me to ask again, but I'm 22 weeks pregnant and am in no condition to BS people.
She said: "You know it would mean so much to me if you were to name my grandchild Elizabeth."
I said: "Didn't he just tell you no? Isn't that what he said? (She tried to interrupt, I cut her off) Did you think if you called me with your sickly sweet voice that I would somehow cave? Because I can assure you all your doing is tap dancing on my last nerve."
She said: "Well, I feel I should have some sort of say in my grandchild's naming!"
Side-Note This woman has bullied her other daughters-in-law into naming their children names she has picked out.
I said: "Your feelings are irrelevant, you are not the parent."
She said: "I'm the grandmother!"
I said: "Yes the parent of one of the parents. 'Grand,' once removed, know your role. You can visit, dote on, spend time with our child as we as her parents deem acceptable. But please do not think your job is to raise our daughter, because it's not. So, no, you do not get a say in what we name her. It's strictly between me and her dad."
I continued: "Is there anything else you want to say? Ill take that as a no and just say goodnight. And then I hung up.
I might have been harsh, but with all I'm going through I just don't have the patience. I'm fine I said what I meant and I truly meant what I said.
4. Future mother-in-law ruins wedding dress
3. Mother-in-law stole my chemo
2. Mother-in-law won't take them in when the house burns down
1. Mother-in-law wore a white dress to the wedding; gets annihilated
0. Cookie monster
My ex mother-in-law is a really good baker and she always made passive aggressive comments whenever I tried to bake. “That was a really good try!” Stuff like that. One day I was making cookies for the school bake sale and she came over to help. We actually had a nice time and the cookies were a big hit at the school. People said they were great and MIL let me take all the credit. About half an hour later, everyone who had a cookie became VIOLENTLY ill.
My MIL had poisoned the cookies to try and make me look bad. She admitted it to police. They didn't charge her (they should have!) but my husband and I cut her out of our lives.