Perhaps you are a creative who funnels their creativity into art to make a living or, you simply enjoy creating on the fly but have felt incredibly uninspired this past year and a half due to the global pandemic and several social reckonings all at once. The following will help you stay creative and inspired:
Steer Clear Of Negative People
As a creative, it's key to trust the process and, that journey might not always be easy, but one thing's for sure, listening to people talk down on your dreams and creative moments is bound to mess with your mind.
You'll need to learn to quiet the noise and centre yourself to create from a place of peace and clarity. Set boundaries for yourself and your art, which is an extension of you. Remember, if something harms your artistic expression or space, it is harmful to you and should not be allowed in.
Build Community With Other Creatives
Maybe you are having trouble remaining inspired and standing in your magic when you come up with an idea. Instead of overlooking your genius and throwing your idea out the window, find others who are in similar fields and bounce ideas off one another. Iron sharpens iron–your creative juices will flow around others who share a similar vision and love for your craft.
Let Go Of The Idea Of "Perfect"
You'll shoot yourself in the foot trying to follow someone else's creative journey or thinking that your art must be made in the same ways it was in the past. Allow your processes to grow and completely change form. You'd next big thing might be completely different than the original idea you had in your head or anything you could have ever imagined.