Excuse me, do you know who I AM?
Okay, to be fair, they're definitely not all like that. In fact, most of these celebrity encounters are quite sweet -- or just human. Celebrities are, after all, just people at the end of the day.
On the other hand, some of them make you wonder if famous people aren't being raised in a bar somewhere.
These are the best stories about travelers who encountered celebrities along the way. Watch your step: you're on the red carpet now!
41. Before The Nightmare Before
I sat next to Tim Burton on a flight from SFO to LAX about eighteen years ago. He was frantically sketching in a book with a pencil. I eventually saw those characters he was drawing that day in The Nightmare Before Christmas. It was way AWESOME!
40. Dave Chappelle flies coach
Dave Chappelle, back in 2006. We were sitting in coach on a flight to NYC. I was already seated and getting settled in, and happened to look up just as he was walking towards me. At first it didn't register that it was him and I just smiled back at him because he was smiling at me. Two seconds pass, it dawns on me that it's Dave Chappelle, and I give him a quick thumbs up. His smile widens, he gives a thumbs up back and winks, then sits down two rows behind me. It was awesome.
39. That's baller
38. Are you sure you weren't in Maine?
37. Please clap
36. I would be scared to meet Sam too
35. An autograph for an autograph
34. Conan the barbarian
33. The bodyguard
32. Did I mention I'm on TV?
31. A drink with Justin
I never got a good look at Jessica Biel. She was wearing sunglasses as well but she didn't say anything at all during our conversation and since I didn't even realize I was talking to Justin Timberlake, I wasn't about to gawk at this random beautiful woman while talking to her husband.
30. Trolling Elon Musk
29. It never gets old
28. Did he talk to the snakes?
27. You literally forgot about Dre
26. You got bitten by the Wolf
25. R.I.P. Stan Lee
24. A walk with Sigourney
23. Scaring the crap out of Ethan Hawke
22. Back in Black
Eva Rinaldi/Flickr
21. Did he say "wow"?
20. You just yelled at James Bond
19. Getting into a fight with a star of Harry Potter
18. Going in the same direction
17. Celebs are dads too
16. You shall not sit!
15. Hit me baby one more time
14. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
13. Are you really Aragorn?
12. The hedgehog in Iceland
11. 'You did a good job with your son'
10. Do you believe in Magic?
9. Let the memes commence
8. Dexter gets framed
7. BJ and the Bear
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels
6. Never scream at a man with a radio show
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
5. No pleasure Cruise
4. You can't beet Rainn Wilson
3. Heather Locklear needs directions
Yep, it was Heather Locklear of Dynasty fame. I was completely speechless. Now I’m not one to get starstruck whenever I see famous people. But this was Heather Locklear!!! I always thought she was good looking on TV but seeing her in person - she was absolutely gorgeous! Especially when wearing a tank top and a pair of short shorts. Even if she wasn’t a television personality she was just beautiful.
She stopped to ask me a question - she asked if I knew where a certain hotel was. Well, after picking my jaw up off the ground and wiping the drool from my face… and more than a few seconds of awkward silence, I stumbled out some words that she probably/hopefully understood to be directions to the hotel. I’m sure my hand gestures and finger pointing towards some object in the distance helped a little as well. She thanked me and headed off in the direction I pointed.
Once she walked off, I stood there just staring at her thinking to myself “What an idiot she must think I am!” I could have walked her to her hotel! But noooooooo, I mumbled and pointed and sent her off on her way.
It was five minutes of my life I will never forget.
2. In the danger zone with Dangerfield
1. How to get free tickets