10 Common Mistakes Every New Traveler Makes & How To Avoid Them

10 Common Mistakes Every New Traveler Makes & How To Avoid Them

How Little Mistakes Ruin a Trip

From overpacking to completely forgetting about travel insurance, little mistakes can make or break a trip. But don’t worry! We’re here to go over some common mistakes first-time travelers make and how you can avoid them. 

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1. Overpacking

We know it’s tempting, but a week-long trip doesn’t require your whole closet. Not only is overpacking cumbersome, but it can also cause unwanted airport fees—though, we hope you didn’t pack 50 pounds of clothing. 

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2. Ignoring Time Zones

The thrill of travel often interferes with practical reminders, like timezones. Don’t forget that even short plane rides can bring you an hour or two ahead of schedule. Small time differences don’t seem like a big deal up front, but they’re a bigger nuisance than you think.

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3. Openly Carrying Valuables 

Carrying an open purse in your own neighborhood is one thing, but pickpocketing is a very real phenomenon elsewhere. Pack smart and be responsible about how you carry valuables in public overseas. 

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4. Not Bringing Important Documents

We all know a passport’s importance—however, the buck doesn’t stop there. Some countries require additional documentation like visas. Getting caught without the proper paperwork is a huge headache and delays travel. 

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5. Short Layovers

Long flights mean layovers. No one wants to hang around in an airport for several hours, but it sure beats the alternative—missing your connecting flight. Don’t try to speed-run lengthy flights! The last thing you want is added stress.



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6. Forgetting to Inform Your Bank

Banks sound the alarm for any strange spending, so don’t forget to call before any big trips. They’ll likely freeze your cards or call to ask why someone just made a purchase all the way from Italy. 

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7. Not Learning Customs

No traveler wants to say something out of pocket or accidentally offend locals. With so much information available online, there’s no reason to forgo basic customs. Trust us, learning the basics helps you out of awkward situations.

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8. Forgoing Travel Insurance

Like it or not, you need to prepare for medical emergencies—you never know what can happen on a trip and the last thing you need is another headache. Not to mention, travel insurance also covers the cost of canceled trips. 

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9. Doing Way Too Much

Sightseeing is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, which is exactly why so many travelers insist on doing everything. It might seem like the most prudent way to travel, but jam-packed schedules actually detract from the fun. 

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10. Forgetting About Exchange Rates

What costs a dollar here won’t necessarily cost a dollar in Japan. New travelers often forget all about exchange rates, emptying their pockets and worrying about money for the entire trip. 

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That said, you can easily avoid these common mistakes with the proper precautions and planning.

1. Make a List

To ensure you don’t forget anything (or overpack), make a list of essentials. If your suitcase still won’t close without you sitting on it, you can at least go back and scratch out items you don’t need. 

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2. Nap on the Plane

First things first—pay attention to timezones, especially if you’re traveling to opposite ends of the world. Don’t underestimate the power of napping on the plane either. In fact, the plane ride is the best place to sleep because napping once you get there only worsens jet lag.



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3. Bring Items Responsibly

To avoid sticky fingers, invest in travel bags with zippers or a money belt. Don’t leave anything unattended, including keys or your wallet, and remember to stay alert. Pickpockets want distracted travelers, not those aware of their surroundings!

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4. Do Your Research

A quick online search will inform you of what documentation you need. It’s an important step you really shouldn’t forget about, especially since forgotten documents impede plans and result in an abrupt roadblock.

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5. Give Yourself Enough Time

It’s much better to wait an hour in the airport than to race around one. Between waiting for your bags to navigating new areas, you’ll want ample time to reach connecting flights. 

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6. Call Ahead of Time

A simple call to your bank prevents any pesky phone calls about potentially nefarious spending. It also prevents every traveler’s nightmare—holds on your card. To eliminate any future headaches, get on the horn. 

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7. Learn Some Basic Phrases

Basic phrases and everyday customs can help you get around much easier. Locals also appreciate anyone who respects their culture or travelers who take the time to learn their language. 

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8. Invest in Insurance

Don’t skimp on travel insurance! We know it’s a little pricy nowadays, but even if you think you won’t need it, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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9. Go With the Flow

Try not to cram your schedule with endless sightseeing.


When you focus on one or two spots, you’ll have more than enough time to truly enjoy the area. 

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10. Don’t Overspend

Research the exchange rate before you go—it’s a simple but crucial step to protecting your finances and ensuring you don’t get slapped with surprise bills. 

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