
20 Awful Things You Should Never Say To A Flight Attendant

20 Awful Things You Should Never Say To A Flight Attendant

Avoid Sounding Like a Nightmare Passenger

Flight attendants go through a lot daily—they struggle with rude passengers, inappropriate questions, and gross requests left and right. However, one of the biggest hurdles is how they’re spoken to. We’ve narrowed down 20 terrible things you should never say to your flight attendant…unless you want them to roll their eyes. 

woman in black button up long sleeve shirtPhạm Duy Quang on Unsplash

1. “Can You Watch My Child?”

For some reason, people are confused about a flight attendant’s actual job. They’re not waitstaff. They’re not tour guides either. They’re certainly not babysitters. It’s best not to assume your flight attendant will take on any additional duties when they have an entire flight of people to look after.

woman carrying baby while sitting on gray seatPaul Hanaoka on Unsplash

2. “Thanks for Showing Up”

We’re not talking about a genuine compliment—we’re talking about condescending sarcasm that implies flight attendants are personal servants. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes and if an attendant can’t reach you right away, give them the same patience you’d want for yourself.

Surprising_SnapShotsSurprising_SnapShots on Pixabay

3. “I’ll Take My Food This Way”

Some attendants might laugh at this dad joke but comments like this insinuate they’re only there to serve food. Flight attendants are responsible for so much more than bringing your snacks or making your drinks—they provide safety information, ensure passengers are taken care of, and enforce strict airline rules!

red liquid on cup beside bowlToni Osmundson on Unsplash


4. “Can I Sit Anywhere?”

Not everyone wants to pay extra for priority seating or a bump to first class. Not a problem! However, you can’t pick and choose your seat on the actual flight. Everyone has designated areas and flight attendants don’t need the added headache. 

blue and black bus seatAl Soot on Unsplash

5. “You Should Smile More”

You’d think flight attendants wouldn’t have to listen to such archaic “compliments,” but they hear it all the time. It’s not the ‘50s anymore and comments like these are not only super weird, but they’re pretty dismissive of actual duties or an attendant’s day. 

man standing between menRichard Gatley on Unsplash

6. “Can I Get Free Stuff?”

It sucks when flights get delayed. It’s even worse when you’re bumped to another seat. But flight attendants can’t just give out free goodies. They’re not authorized and could even get in trouble for indulging the request! Birthdays and anniversaries aren’t good excuses either. 

blue airplane interior with seatsJC Gellidon on Unsplash

7. “When Are We Leaving?”

For all the magic flight attendants have, they unfortunately can’t see into the future. We know delayed flights are annoying, but getting angry with your attendant or asking about departure won’t make your trip any smoother. 

Airport departures timetable showing Delta and Alaska Airlines flights on time and boardingMatthew Smith on Unsplash

8. “Can I Sit In First Class?”

As much as we’d love to just help ourselves to business class, it’s not in the cards. Your flight attendant likely won’t upgrade your seat and they definitely won’t appreciate the request. 

people sitting inside planeHanson Lu on Unsplash

9. “Give Me Another Drink”

Flight attendants aren’t required to serve passengers—especially those half in the bag already. Don’t get belligerent with airline staff if they cut you off; they’re trained to sniff out intoxicated passengers and deny them further alcohol. 

File:Austrian Airlines flight attendant and passenger.jpgAustrian Airlines on Wikimedia


10. “I Was Allowed to Do This Before”

If anyone knows the rules, it’s flight attendants. You may have bent the rules with another airline but don’t expect that treatment every time. Part of an attendant’s job is to know safety precautions and enforce them. 

shallow focus photography of people inside of passenger planeSuhyeon Choi on Unsplash

11. “What Are We Flying Over?”

Not every flight attendant knows where you are! Though it’s fun to scout new waters, don’t assume every attendant will give nitty gritty details on locations. If they don’t know, avoid getting upset. 

man looking at window inside planeLuke Porter on Unsplash

12. “Where Are You Staying?”

While some people just make conversation, others ask for more nefarious reasons. Flight attendants won’t let you know which hotel they’re staying in or their favorite spots in the city. At the end of the day, it’s about their safety.

blue and white airplane seatsAlexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

13. “Can You Help Me Lift My Bag?”

Asking for help when you’re elderly or have an injury? No problem. Asking for help with an oversized carry-on you wouldn’t check? Not great. Flight attendants’ job is to keep the line moving and ensure everyone is safely seated before take-off—recruiting them to stuff a humongous suitcase in the overhead only slows everyone down. 

Pew NguyenPew Nguyen on Pexels

14. “I’ll Make it Fit”

While we’re on the topic, it’s important to throw in the towel upon defeat. Don’t waste your time cramming an oversized suitcase into the bin, especially since it prevents others from using it. If your bag won’t fit, you’ll need to check it. 

silver MacBook in duffel bagOliur on Unsplash

15. “Ground Staff Said We Could Sit Together”

Even if that’s true, your flight attendant isn’t obligated to follow through. Flight attendants speak for themselves and if they don’t give the green light, you’ll have to suffer a few seats apart. Remember: while they try their best to accommodate, you aren’t guaranteed a seat that someone else paid for. 

photo of plane interiorOmar Prestwich on Unsplash


16. “What’s the Delay?”

Flight attendants can’t control take-off. There’s no point getting cross with them—especially when they don’t have answers. Rest assured, airline crews do their best to keep things moving efficiently. 

LT ChanLT Chan on Pexels

17. “I Fly More Than You Do”

It may seem like a harmless anecdote, but comments like this annoy almost every flight attendant. To make matters worse, it’s probably not even true! While it’s certainly not the worst thing you can say, it’s still best to avoid saying it at all.  

KellyKelly on Pexels

18. “I’m Never Flying With You Again”

Some flight attendants need a course in bedside manners. However, many of them work grueling days with a smile on their face and try to provide the best service possible. Threatening to abandon the airline negates their hard work—and likely won’t result in any freebies.

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19. “Can I Get Off the Plane First?

Uh oh! You’re cutting it close with that connecting flight! As panic sets in, some passengers ask to leave before anyone else. Flight attendants can’t help you there. The best they can do is make an announcement asking that everyone else stay put while you scurry off the flight. Some people may indulge you but don’t expect others to be as patient. 

OrnaWOrnaW on Pixabay

20. “Just Wait a Minute”

We’re sure that phone call is very important, but it’s time to turn on airplane mode. Asking flight attendants for a few extra minutes only impedes take-off. While different airlines have different rules, you need to listen to attendants every time. 

white and blue airplane about to fly at the airportDaniel Eledut on Unsplash