
20 Things No One Ever Told You About Traveling

20 Things No One Ever Told You About Traveling

Did You Know Any of These Travel Tips?

Don’t believe everything you see on social media. Those bloggers might portray their trips as seamless adventures, but true travel comes with all kinds of obstacles. Not to worry! We’re here to help you navigate the less glamorous side of travel with 20 things people never told you. 

Andrea PiacquadioAndrea Piacquadio on Pexels

1. Check Tourism Sites

You have your trip planned out. Everything’s set and you can’t wait to tour all the best sites—except you forgot to do your research. Now, after a ten-hour flight and two hours of walking, you realize that museum isn’t open (or it needs online pre-booking). Look up those sites before you tour them so you’re not caught in the lurch! 

Haley BlackHaley Black on Pexels

2. You’re Going to Make Mistakes

Social media often portrays travel as this simple adventure anyone can take. While you should explore new places, don’t forget that we’re all human and will make mistakes. You might take the wrong bus or speak a new language poorly. You might even take a wrong road somewhere new. It’s okay, the important thing is you overcome.

a woman holding a map in a fieldPeyman Shojaei on Unsplash

3. You Gain More From Life Experiences

They always say money can’t buy happiness, and while that’s mostly true, it certainly helps pave the way to more life experiences. With all those stamps on your passport, you’ll be richer in ways you can’t even imagine yet. 

Vlada KarpovichVlada Karpovich on Pexels


4. Most People are Friendly

Alright, it’s true—not all the locals are friendly. However, that can be said of nearly every country. For the most part, locals are willing to help you out, guide you to the best spots, or point you in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to approach strangers for assistance.

people taking picture of waterfalls under cloudy skyShlomo Shalev on Unsplash

5. You’ll Learn to Scout Weirdos

Speaking of strangers, it’s just as important to sharpen your senses in a foreign area. Though it’s pretty easy to scout obvious scams, not everyone fits an immediate bill. Don’t worry, the more you travel, the more you’ll learn about common swindles. 

stevepbstevepb on Pixabay

6. Travel Takes Longer Than You Think

Just because that boarding pass reads a two-hour flight doesn’t mean you’ll get there on time. The same goes for bus tickets or group tours. Always arrive early and bank on experiencing hiccups. That way, you aren’t flustered when they happen. 

letterGlobal Residence Index on Unsplash

7. Keep Physical and Digital Documents

In today’s day and age, physical documents are a thing of the past. While most boarding passes go straight to your phone, you should also ask for physical copies at the airport. It’s always better to have a backup just in case! 

space gray aluminum case Apple Watch and black leather band turned onDavid Preston on Unsplash

8. Travel Can Make You Lonely

Whether it’s nomads in vans or families at Disneyland, travel can make you homesick. Sure, it’s great to see new sights and experience new places, but there comes a day when you’ll miss the comfort of your own bed. You’ll miss your family and your adorable pet. It’s all part of the territory. Go on day trips, bring items from home, or schedule calls with loved ones to keep in touch. 

Norbert KundrakNorbert Kundrak on Pexels

9. Eat What the Locals Suggest

You can only rely on your rumbling tummy so much. At the end of the day, locals know the best haunts and you should trust their word. You can also look at Yelp reviews, but local knowledge is the closest thing you’ll get to gospel. 

an alley way with tables and chairs in front of a buildingSamuel Svec on Unsplash


10. Learn Conversational Phrases

It doesn’t matter if you can’t speak a new language perfectly. What matters is you put in the effort to learn conversational phrases. You’ll have a much easier time knowing language basics than relying on Google. 

blue and white logo guessing gameBrett Jordan on Unsplash

11. You’ll Appreciate Home

Traveling to a new place teaches you to appreciate what’s around youand what’s back at home. No one tells you how much you’ll fall back in love with your country, your street, and even the familiar spots you frequent. 

man kissing woman on her foreheadToa Heftiba on Unsplash

12. Book Some Days for Rest

It’s a common misconception that a week of travel means a week of touring. Get that shut-eye! Rest days give you a chance to relax, and tourist spots are much better with a working brain. You’re not lazy for spending a day in bed, you’re giving yourself a much-needed break. 

Maisie  KaneMaisie Kane on Pexels

13. Learn About and Respect Customs

A culture’s customs are just as important as a country’s language. Learn about local traditions before flying somewhere new, especially if it’s halfway across the world. The last thing you want is to be a disrespectful tourist all the locals side-eye. 

Haugenzhays ZhangHaugenzhays Zhang on Pexels

14. Remember Jet Lag

Not enough people take jet lag seriously. Even one hour can knock your internal clock off kilter, so make sure you get some shut-eye on the plane. It’s much easier to walk around with fresh eyes than it is to traipse through towns in zombie mode. 

unknown person lying on brown bench indoorsJoyce Romero on Unsplash

15. Prepare for Stomach Trouble

Stomach trouble happens at the best of times, but it happens all the time overseas. From disagreeable food to rumbling in a nervous stomach, you’ll likely need to hit the washroom when you travel. Come prepared with OTC remedies or simple solutions like ginger. 

Sora ShimazakiSora Shimazaki on Pexels


16. Bring Your Own Essentials

Of course, Gravol isn’t your only essential. Remember—life doesn’t stop on vacation, which could spell trouble. Pack feminine hygiene products and bring any medication you need. Trust us, you don’t want to get caught without them. 

Timur WeberTimur Weber on Pexels

17. Nothing is Free

Oh, this friendly tourist offered to show you around. Wow, this kind gentleman just placed a bracelet on your wrist. Guess what? Now they want money. Nothing overseas is free and scam artists spot tourists a mile away. Keep your wits about you and don’t just accept random help. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. 

AXP PhotographyAXP Photography on Pexels

18. Don’t Forget TSA Precheck

Do you want to skip ahead in airport security? Look online for preboarding services like TSA Precheck. You’ll be able to jump to another line that moves way faster than everyday security. It’ll cost some money, but some travelers think it’s worth it. 

Connor DanylenkoConnor Danylenko on Pexels

19. Unpack Your Stuff Immediately 

Don’t live out of a suitcase upon arrival. Unpack your stuff and get familiar with your hotel. Once you have a better lay of the land, you’ll feel more comfortable in your surroundings. Unpacking is especially useful for lengthy trips. 

brown hatMarissa Grootes on Unsplash

20. Double Your Budget

One of the smartest things you can do before traveling is to set your budget. Once you have it, double it. Travelers often forget all the little expenses that pop up, so it’s better to have too much money available than too little. 

U.S. dollar banknote with mapChristine Roy on Unsplash