20 Things Tourists Do That Locals Absolutely Hate

20 Things Tourists Do That Locals Absolutely Hate

In most cases, tourism is a massive net good for any country that finds itself deep in the throes of an influx of foreign visitors. This lucrative industry not only stimulates the economy by bringing in millions (if not billions) in additional capital, but it also elevates the reputation and world standing of the respective country. However, this doesn’t mean that locals are always all too thrilled with the groundswell of visitors that accompanies a thriving tourism industry. Here are 20 things tourists do that locals absolutely hate. 

1. Taking Photos Without Permission

Like any sensible person, locals strongly value their sense of privacy. Although taking photos on vacation is a perfectly normal and reasonable thing to do, some tourists are prone to take things too far, including taking photos without permission or blocking off essential areas to take photos. 

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2. Overcrowding Popular Spots

A huge influx of tourists often makes certain landmarks or “tourist traps” extremely overcrowded. Although unintentional, and an inevitable result of tourism, this congestion decreases the overall quality of life for locals by significantly disrupting their day-to-day lives and making them feel as though they are being pushed out of their own spaces. 

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3. Ignoring Environmental Impact

Sadly, many tourists feel that a vacation is merely a license to do as they please without consequence. This is particularly true when it comes to ignoring the environmental impact of leaving trash behind, damaging natural landscapes, and engaging in activities that harm the local ecosystems. Locals are often left feeling slighted by this behaviour as it completely undermines their health and well-being. 

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4. Disregarding Personal Space

In a rush to swarm the nearest landmark or cultural hotspot, many tourists quickly do away with basic respect for personal space. This becomes abundantly clear in densely populated areas, where locals have learned to make do with their limited space and still respect one another accordingly. 


5. Speaking Loudly in Public

Depending on the specific location, some residents may expect visitors to adhere to a quiet environment, especially at night. This understanding is often violated by tourists who insist on talking loudly to one another or on their phones, leading to annoyance and frustration. 

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6. Disrespecting Local Customs

Often oblivious (or outright dismissive) of local customs, many tourists exhibit offensive behavior, much to the chagrin of the local population. Anything from wearing inappropriate clothes to not observing cultural norms can be perceived as an offence by locals, leading to increased friction and disenchantment.

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7. Bargaining Aggressively

Local vendors will often find themselves at odds with persistent hagglers who routinely try to push for lower prices without fully understanding the value of certain goods and services. This generally comes off as offensive and disrespectful, resulting in a strained relationship between sellers and visitors. 

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8. Ignoring Traffic Rules

Many countries have their own distinct set of traffic laws that some foreigners may not be privy to. Due to sheer ignorance (or disregard), many tourists can potentially put themselves, as well as locals, in harm's way as a result of their blatant negligence of local traffic laws. 

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9. Disrupting Wildlife

Many locals depend on a well-balanced and thriving ecosystem which is often undermined by the behaviour of some tourists. Visitors who insist on feeding wildlife, for example, are prone to cause harm to the local ecosystem by disrupting the natural behaviour of animals, leading to a litany of undesirable consequences.

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10. Expecting Things To Be The Same As Back Home

Many tourists go to a place expecting things to be just like they are back home. These kinds of tourists often find themselves facing a rude awakening. Nonetheless, many of them will take to pestering, if not outright harassing, the local population to adhere to their specific needs and standards. 

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11. Not Learning Basic Local Phrases

No matter how incomprehensible, locals will always appreciate a tourist’s attempt to speak the local language. At the very least, not taking the time to learn basic words and phrases may be perceived as disrespectful and lacking in appreciation for the local language and culture. 

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12. Over-Relying on English

Further piggybacking on the last point: not everyone speaks English. Yes, luckily a lot of people do speak English — but there should be no expectation that everyone in a given place understands what you are saying to them. Many locals come away frustrated from the insistence of certain travellers that they speak a language that is completely foreign to them. 

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13. Wearing Inappropriate Clothing

Some countries have more conservative or traditional norms when it comes to clothing, especially revealing clothing. Due to local religious/cultural norms, many residents are often appalled by how some tourists choose to dress themselves, often perceiving this as an insult to their way of life. 

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14. Touching Sacred Objects

Despite persistent signs and warnings, many tourists tend to get a little handsy with items or locations of cultural significance. Locals who hold these objects in high regard are often left flabbergasted by the complete lack of respect and understanding demonstrated by the behaviour of their guests. 

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15. Engaging in Risky Behavior

Some tourists go on vacation with an undue sense of invincibility, particularly when it comes to engaging in certain high-risk activities. This laid-back, devil-may-care approach often results in tourists swimming in dangerous areas, hiking unmarked trails, or driving recklessly. These behaviours usually culminate in accidents that require emergency services, which ultimately come at the expense of locals.

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16. Not Following Restaurant Etiquette

Restaurant etiquette is a vital component of any local culture. Failing to observe local dining customs (or even just basic dining customs) is a surefire way to irritate the local populace. Observing common dining etiquette, as well as a given country’s local customs, ultimately shows a sense of respect and appreciation for those around you. 

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17. Ignoring Public Transport Etiquette

Rambunctious tourists who don't adhere to public transit etiquette are often the target of harsh scorn and ridicule. Some seemingly commonplace norms like giving up seats to the elderly or staying quiet are not obvious to all tourists and this is generally perceived as rude and inconsiderate by locals. 

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18. Trespassing on Private Property

Some tourists with a keen inclination to explore as much as possible may find themselves inadvertently wandering onto private property, especially in less-defined rural areas. Locals can quickly become disdainful of tourists who engage in such invasive and disrespectful behaviour, even if it is unintentional. 

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19. Over-Tipping or Under-Tipping

Despite what you may think, tipping practices can vary widely from place to place. Awkward situations ensue when tourists unknowingly upset their hosts by under-tipping or even tipping in general. Understanding local tipping norms is a necessary facet of adequately showing appreciation for the work and effort of chefs and servers. 

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20. Being Disrespectful to Service Workers

People in the service industry often suffer the brunt of inconsiderate and needy tourists who feel as though they are beneath them. Deeply offensive and demoralizing, this sort of behaviour is unacceptable no matter where you are, but particularly when visiting someone else’s country. 

Steve-Johnson-Y-Mb90P-6Dy-UnsplashPhoto by Steve Johnson